Residence and Leisure
Life in a youth village is unique. Village employees live in the Village as well and and this togetherness creates one large family. Community life is the key word in Village life and there is a cooperative and pleasant atmosphere between people.
Life in the Village
The Ben Shemen Youth Village unites three main elements - the boarding program, the farm and the six-year Einshtein High School. The boarding program has three unique components. The first is the educational boarding program with about 350 students in grades 7-12. The second is the Children's Home for children in grades 1-6. The third is the day boarding program for 70 students in grades 7-12 who do not sleep in the Village but participate in the boarding program and receive all of its benefits.
Ben Shemen is not a boarding school, because it is more than just a boarding school. It's familial.
This is what gives you a special feeling.
Village graduate

Learning and Tutoring Center
There are three learning centers in the village - a learning center for primary school children, a learning center for the middle school and a learning center for the upper school. The learning centers provide daily support and reinforcement for the boarding school students in everything related to their studies, in full cooperation with the school staff in order to help promote the students in the best possible way.
Activities and Enrichment
The Village has a variety of classes and enrichment activities. Each student is required to enroll in at least one enrichment class, but is welcome to choose several classes and activities in which he or she is interested. The classes are opened at the request of the students and their commitment to persevere.

Concern and Care
The therapeutic team possesses the body of knowledge designed to help students emotionally free up so that they can meet age appropriate tasks (studying, identity formation, values, interpersonal relationships, strengthening and enhancing self-esteem and more). This is done through tasks of prevention and empowerment and tasks of care and support.
The things that are most important to me in the village are the generous staff and the listening ear for everything I will need, I have gained experiences with amazing people and lifelong friends.
Village student
The Educational Staff
The educational staff is responsible for the close supervision of its group members. Each group has two to three counselors attached to it. The educational staff stands at the top of the boarding program group. The team is responsible for everything related to the members of its group. The staff must mentor the students emotionally, discipline them, their education, processes, health and more. The team works in full cooperation with the other teams in the village. The staff must pass on the nature of the boarding program and the village to the students and enforce discipline in the boarding program. It is the team who provide students with content and educational activities as part of its role to assist in their educational development.